Let us help you with

Gas Stove and Pipe Inspection in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor

Gas stove and piping system inspection in KL and Selangor

We have seen it happening in movies. A gas leak can result in either fire, explosion or both and is dangerous to your life, the people around you and your properties as well.

If you suspect it, INSPECT IT!
Don’t put anyone or anything at risk.

If you hear, smell or sense something amiss with your gas stove, switch off your gas appliances and disconnect the supply of your LPG gas immediately.

The leak could be coming from the low-pressure regulator, malfunctioning valves, crack or tear in the hose / piping and etc.

Get it right the first time!
We strongly urge that you get the right experienced people to inspect and repair or replace the damaged parts correctly the first time. You do not want to pay money, only to still leave yourself at risk because inexperienced contractors have fixed or replaced the wrong parts.

We are an authorized and certified competent gas contractor by the Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) of Malaysia and we have more than 15 years of experience in this field.

After careful inspection and investigation by our qualified gas contractors, we provide quality gas stove and piping system repair service to give you a peace of mind for you to return to your kitchen to work safely.